Friday, June 3

Big Blogger is speaking - pipe down!!

There has been a slight alteration to the advertised programme schedule viewers. May I take this opportunity to apologise to all those who have set their Video+'s to stun.

This is live TV after all - not the live TV which graces our screen in an altogether different way, although there's a fair to middling chance that we will be able to offer topless darts, the Weather in Norwegian (or at least Belgian if Zoe is selected), not to mention lots more things involving breasts and exotic fruit judging by the audience/nominees reaction.

Due to popular request (the most popular request being from my lack of forethought) the nomination deadline has been put back to 5pm (that's UK time for our non-UK viewers with the large satellite dishes) on Tuesday the 7th. June that is.

This is to give more time to those slackers who haven't been arsed to visit the site yet to put their names forward. If Big Blogger seems a little quiet over the weekend it is because he is visiting a dark room to try and mend his mind, warped whilst trying to work out the email he received from somebody visiting the site asking Big Blogger if they'd mind putting the nominations back as they hadn't had time to visit the site to nominate themselves.

Oooh my sore head. It hurts to think too much now.

Big Blogger will endeavour to send emails out on Tuesday evening to those lucky enough to be drawn out of the Big Blogger hat. He will be expecting confirmation of participation and acceptance of the special Big Blogger entrance key to be winging it's way back by return, or later, whichever is easy for you (note to self: get more assertive) ready for a Thursday morning exit from the Big Blogger limo in front of hoardes of screaming, err, people pissing around on t'internet at work with nothing better to be getting on with, other than some work, at work, in worktime.

And another thing - Big Blogger has been watching, and noticing some people (Big Blogger wont name names) being funny in the comments boxes, and making him laugh. Big Blogger would like to ask potential blogmates and audience alike to refrain from using up all the humourous, light hearted, cock et al related banter before the show starts. There is only so much humour to go around. Big Blogger has an image in his recuperating mind of you lot shooting your bolt (in more ways that one) beforehand leaving this place about as insightful and humourous as, well, my place.

And you wont like Big Blogger if there's any humour fatigue.

Don't miss it kids.


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