Watch out watch out there's a ditty about
He makes us weep and wail
He gets us to do these awful tasks
In the hope that we will fail
He gets us to write letters
And these silly little ditties
I thought that I heard Miss Mish say
He gets right on her titties
Little Blogger is an alright guy
He’s friendly and he’s chatty
He sends us in the Cillit Bang
Even though it sends us batty
The housemates all sit around
And some are awful quiet
Big Blogger wants to stir this up
He’s looking for a riot
Gordons got his clothes back on
And Alans back in Bed
Clair has disappeared with a tool
And is banging in the shed
Nml is eating biscuits
And Zoe’s in the swimming pool
Mike is lazing in the sun
JonnyB plays the silly fool
Vicus has gone all literary
And Vitriolica is into art
Grocerjack is really quiet
And The Girl is just a tart!
Now that this ditties finished
It was a lovely task
Quickos has the right idea
Lie in the sun and bask
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